Nieuw Office 365 bericht: Flow for event registration and automated meeting request

Today I had this question from a client:

Can I use Office 365 for event registrations linked to my calendar?

Event registration? Sure. Create an input form with Microsoft Forms! That’s easy. But the client wanted to send the registered users a meeting request. Not just a single meeting request but all users must be added to the existing meeting in his calendar.

First, let’s create the form:
I created a form with some basic fields like name, first name and email.

So for so good. Make sure the form is accessible for anonymous users.

Next, I need to create a workflow that sends the (updated) meeting request to the users:

First I need the Forms trigger “When a new response is submitted”:

Then we need the form entry details. You can use the “Get response details” action. A loop will be created for you:

Select the form id and use the Response Id from the previous step.

Now the “tricky” part. We need to update an existing meeting request in the calender of the user.
First we need the meeting details. Use the “Get event (V2)” action to do this:

First select the calendar in the dropdown. Next we need the ID of the event. This was the part I needed to think ?

How can I find the Id of an event? There is no interface in outlook for this but there is the Office Graph Explorer!
The Office Graph Explorer is an interface on top of the Office 365 API. Build for developers. There is an API to get a list of events and there you can find the ID of a certain event! Cool isn’t it?

First sign in with your Office 365 account to use the Graph with your data. Next check your profile to see if it is working:
You should see your data:

Now use this query: this will get you a list of all events in your calendar:

In the response preview window you will get a list of events. In that list you can find the Id of each event:

Now we will use that Id in our flow.

Next add the “Update event (V2)” action. With this action you update the properties of a calendar event.

Use the same ID, add the fields that don’t need to be updates. Use the content from the previous step here.
The attendees are behind the “advanced options”. Add the field from the previous step and the email address of the user that he entered in the initial form:

This is the trick that did it!

So, I could answer the question of the client. It is possible to build an event registration (no code) solution based on Office 365!

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